28 Jan Crazy Kettle Cooking Tips
Learn Crazy Kettle Cooking Tips To get Cooking for a Crowd
Cooking with CrazyKettle is an easy process that will allow you to try all of your favorite recipes from wherever you like. With its variable temperature settings and large cooking surface, Crazy Kettle Cooking Tips makes it possible for you to cook for just you or for a large group of people all at the same time. To ensure you get the best results possible, keep these cooking tips in mind when preparing meals with your CrazyKettle.
Knowing When to Add Oil
When cooking food items that do not contain much moisture or that are not naturally oil, you will need to add oil to your kettle as part of your cooking process. Start by adding a small amount of cooking oil and then add more as necessary.
Finding the Right Cooking Zone
After you have added the oil and food to your kettle, you can adjust the temperate to meet your cooking needs. Keep in mind that your CrazyKettle has cooking zones that are ideal for various types of food. For example, you can cook your meal in the center while keeping other items warm around the perimeter of the kettle. Another option is to cook your meats in the center zone while cooking your veggies at a higher zone.
Staying Grease-Free
Thanks to the innovative design of the Crazy Kettle, you don’t have to worry about grease getting out of control. Designed at an angle, greast flows to the middle of the Crazy Kettle while the food stays where it needs to be to cook. If you are using your CrazyKettle as a fryer and have oil in the kettle, you can also use the design to help remove the oil when you are done cooking. Simply wait for the oil to cool after you are done cooking and then tilt the kettle up on the front hinge. You can then drain the oil out of the built-in spot. Be sure to use gloves throughout this process as the handles may be hot.
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